Tuesday, November 13, 2007

November 8, 2007

Dear Family and Friends,

Shannon was admitted to Hopkins Tuesday morning due to a fever. She had been feeling a little under the weather for several days prior, but had had no fever. This morning, Thursday, there is still no drop in temp (102.4) and the doctors do not no the cause. She's starting a third intravenous antibiotic and they took x-rays yesterday.

This is the life of a post BMT patient for at least 6 months. Times like this, when an answer is unknown, can be a real spiritual battle. One that tests our faith and tries to undermine our hope. I have to admit that I have felt drained of optimism and then realized that was because I was turning my glance inward rather than at the face of God.

At this time we need extra prayers for the doctors to have insight to the problem, for Shannon's recovery, that we can remain in the peace of Christ in the midst of the storm, and not loose our trust and faith when the storm feels more violent.

God Bless,

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